Modernist architecture (1890-1920)

Vigo: Modernist architecture (1890-1920)

Modernist architecture emerged in Europe in the last decade of the nineteenth century, diluted to top da Primeira World War. In Vigo coexists with the eclectic modernist style between 1890 and 1920.

Modernism decoraticas presents new solutions, finding in nature their main source of inspiration. The facades of the buildings are filled with sinuous and undulating fauna.Predominan components flora and plant forms and flowers against human or animal forms.

There are two trends. The use of curvilinear shapes with floral and plant-influenced Art Nouveau, and the use of geometric forms with soft straight sequences.

Using new materials such as ceramics, iron and glass that will allow new expressive possibilities and plastic. In the carpentry of doors to buildings Tamen manifests a new taste with the use of decorative floral motifs, curvilinear forms and geometric details.

The use of ceramics in a decorative facades is presented as a novelty that appears promptly in some city buildings.

Modernism is perfectly suited to the requirements of refined and cultured bourgeoisie, seeking the detailed care outside of the building and well-designed interiors and lavishly decorated. Recover and quality craftsmanship with design furniture, doors, windows, lamps, ceramics and decorative paints.

Source Jenaro Dominguez is one of the raiders of the modernist movement in Vigo. Initially used next to Art Nouveau motifs, without losing the use of eclectic style. The younger architects as José Franco Montes, Manuel Gómez Román Benito and use new forms.

Architects and master builders representative

- Source Jenaro Domínguez

- José Franco Montes

- Benito Gómez Román

- Manuel Gómez Román

Representative buildings

- Building Mulder - Manuel Gómez Román (1910)

- Building Simeon - Manuel Gómez Román (1911)
