Vigo: Archaeology and history
STONE AGE (150000-1800 a.)
This time period is divided into three eras archaeological: Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. Paleolithic settlements have not been found but if choppers, a biface and scraper in an alleged flint flake. Belonging to the Mesolithic period have been found picks, cleavers and scrapers peaks. You can see all these findings in the Municipal Museum Quiñones de León de Vigo.
The Neolithic or megalithic period, circa 3000 BC It is well known for his burial structures called megaliths, mounds, medorras, medoñas or mámoas. Large stones can be seen, called dolmens or elks, are the remains of the funerary monument initially covered with earth. In Vigo found about 40 megalithic tombs.
BRONZE AGE (1800 - 600 BC.)
This period is characterized by the continuous evolution of technology as well as metal sample found axes, daggers of bronze, gold and silver jewelry.
Another important aspect of this period is the rock art engravings on rock outdoors. These prints are called petroglyphs.Found about 30 petroglyphs in Vigo distributed Coruxo parishes, Beade, Matamá, Beade, Comesaña, Navia, Oia, Teis, Sárdoma and Oia. In these combinations predominate circular petroglyphs, bowls, runs and elliptical shapes.
IRON AGE - Castro culture (600 BC - first century AD. C.)
Emerge fortified villages or forts. In Vigo found 27 castreños enclaves. This is found in addition to the Castros, abundant ceramic material and various utensils. The Municipal Museum Quiñones de León de Vigo exposes castreño lot of material, such as bracelets, brooches, glass paste beads, pendants, mortars, foundry molds, mills, loom weights, fusayolas, smoothing, sharpening.
Romanization - GALAICO-ROMAN CULTURE (if a. C. - IV d. C.)
At the end of the first century BC Iron Age culture merge with the Roman forming Galician-Roman culture will acquire its peak around the third century BC-IV after Vigo has many Roman remains constructive as necropolis, villas and other structures . Notable findings of a considerable amount of Roman tombstones with interesting representations therein.
In Vigo can find remains of Roman villas, such as Villa Toralla, Mirambell's farm, where they have found remains of exquisite glass, mosaic fragments, thermal system and fine ceramics.New excavations have been conducted during the summer of 2002 and presented here a photo essay on these excavations.