Academicist eclecticism (1910-30)

Vigo: Academicist eclecticism (1910-30)

In this period, 1910 to 1930, Europe is moving towards a new architecture: the Modern Movement. In Spain the situation is different and favors the presence of classical scholarship renewed. At the end of this period the academic architecture coexist with the first incursions rationalists.

After the disappearance of Jenaro de la Fuente and Michel Dominguez Pacewicz, the authors of this period are: Manuel Gómez Román, Antonio Palacios, José Franco Montes, Genaro Alvarez de la Fuente, James Romero and Emilio Salgado Estens Urtiaga.

From the 20s a new eclecticism appears sober and with a renewed academic classicism and prone to monumentality. Next in classic vertical symmetries and allowing for greater heights.

The traditional ornamentation previous eclecticism is cleared. Differentiation disappears eclectic facade used by plants and large pilasters or columns in the intermediate floors, closing the composition the ground floor and the top floor. This allows them to be used as low as shops on the ground floors of the presence provides spacious windows.

The bourgeoisie of the time in this architecture with trends monumentalist academic response to his desire to flaunt their status. But now, at this time the commercial and banking entities are also customers of this new architecture.

Architects representative

- Antonio Palacios Ramilo

- José Franco Montes

- Jacobo Romero Estens

- Manuel Gómez Román

- Genaro Alvarez de la Fuente

Representative buildings

- Teatro Garcia Barbon - Antonio Palacios (1913)

- Edificio Banco de Vigo (Pastor) - Manuel Gómez Román (1923)

- House Post Office - Manuel Gómez Román (1920)
