Age of stone

Vigo: Age of stone

This time period is divided into three eras archaeological: Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic.

Lower Paleolithic (150,000 to 35,000 BC)

From this period characterizable by small nomadic hunter-gatherers, we have a wide representation of stone tools, located in the municipality of Vigo: choppers or songs and Coruxo Alcabre worked; bifaces Navia, Coruxo, Bouzas and San Amaro, plus Coruxo special scraper. Other areas close to Vigo are also represented: Eiras (O Rosal), Tui and Randufe Caldelas (Tui), and Goián Figueiró (Tomiño), Coiro (Cangas), Meira (Moana), Fntenza (Salceda of Caselas).

These tools are getting carving stones they had at hand, in this case exceptionally quartzite and chert, thus elaborated pieces as different as, bifaces, choppers, scrapers, knives, cleavers, trihedral, scrapers, drills, plus the remains of sizes as cores and flakes varied typology. In this collection are notable for their expertise in the bifaces Budiño size, the latter site, which although has a C14 dating of 26000. C. typologically we place it prior to 35,000 BC.

Mesolithic (10000-4500 a.C.)

It is a stage in which the communities living in this area of ??the Galician coast, specialize in collecting and especially in the shellfishing use a tool for this very characteristic that has become known peaks 'Asturienses' and peaks 'Camposanquienses' , these being the eponym of the site where you found such pieces.

The site most characteristic of this phase of prehistory, is undoubtedly Camposancos beach in Guarda, which are exhibited peaks asturienses, camposanquienses spikes, knives, drills, scrapers, flakes, and the novelty regarding Paleolithic highlights the presence fishing weights, which show a large marine activity.

Neolithic or MEGALITHIC (4500-2000 BC)

This stage will involve a radical change in the way of life of man, as the economic transformations involved, emphasizing agriculture and livestock as the most characteristic, and which make sedentaricen communities, increase the population and that people specializes.

Of the first neolithic just have news in our town, but with the arrival of the megalithic phenomenon multiply when evidence, the maximum exponent-called dolmens, tumuli, or medoñas medorras are megalithic tombs, they are made ??to be seen from afar, as a symbol of a community of people and possibly as an indicator of the territory controlled by the living.In Vigo found about 40 megalithic tombs. The excavation of these monuments is the one that has provided some of the materials listed, others simply have been isolated findings. Several polished stone axes from Alcabre Coruxo, Toralla Island, Beade, Cotogrande, Teis, Areas and Antas (Tui), Santiago de Compostela and Rebordans (Coruña and Tui respectively), the latter two mentioned, distinguished by their small size by color besides white that makes execpcionales and lead us to think of her votive.
