The Port.

Moana is a municipality open to the sea. This is demonstrated Moaña ports and Domaio Parish. The shoreline promenades line the area providing amenities with cycle paths and beaches.

Rowing is one of the most popular sports in Galicia. Its origins seem to be in the need for speed in the tasks of fishing, because of the importance it had to be the first to reach the fishing of sardines and then be the first to reach the market for the best price to sell fish.

In rowing there are two types: fixed and mobile bank bank. Within the mobile bank are three types of vessels: small boats, trawlers and trainerillas.

The first race held at Moana was promoted by Mayor between 1912 and 1913, possibly to commemorate the construction of a street. Today the town offers many sports exhibitions and often see train Tiran Sport Society or Samertolameu, two teams of local trawlers which are among the most important and involved in the month of July in the trophy Flag Concello Moaña of Drifters, where teams compete most relevant Galicia.
