
Cangas retains all the cultural wealth Galicia. Galician ethnographic elements are presented in Cangas over all its territory, making it a scale representation Galician heritage.

The material elements that defined the life, work, art and folk customs of old Galician in the territory still remain materially enriching.

We find typical elements of Galician culture as traditional houses, water mills, granaries, stone crosses, bibs souls, dovecotes, fountains, manors, chapels and churches.

Each of these elements had special meaning when its use was common, and are closely linked with popular beliefs and daily life of the people of the past centuries.

Their study helps us understand how everyday problems faced, how they took advantage of natural resources and understand the spiritual and symbolic relations to popular belief and know one's native styles of artistic expression.

The cruceiro of Hío

The cruceiro of HIO is one of the great wonders of the ethnographic heritage of Galicia. It lies in the parish of Hío beside St. Andrew's Church and rectory.

It is almost completely carved from a single block of granite by master Cerviño in 1872.

It can be seen from the bottom up: Based on the sizes of Adam and Eve before the original sin, the Virgen del Carmen assisting the souls in purgatory and limbo of Christ the righteous. In the trunk: Adam and Eve ashamed after the expulsion from paradise and the Virgin Mary stepping on the head of the demon-dragon. And on top, crowning the cruise desenclavo we see Christ.
